Tuesday, February 16, 2010

this is the montaj done by me when i was in sem 3..Back then, i was still young and active in my relationship..Well, although its not very long time ago..But still im a little lagging in my relationship currently..I don't know what have gone missing..Maybe I don't have the passion towards relationship anymore..Or maybe I'm just getting older and tired of starting a new relationship again and again and agian after every failure..Theres not much to talk about..but that semester,i received many shocking news,i've overcome many obstacles, although i'm not a person that had so many freinds to talk to about my problems and stuffs..But, alhamdulillah...some of it is over..there are also some that i fail to overcome until now..Its not that i don"t want to get over it..It's just not as easy as i thought it was..I don't really know how to overcome it..But I'm really is trying so hard so that i can get over it.I don't really blame the person that cause the trouble because its not really that person's fault.It's actually is my fault.I'm the one that does not think before i make any decision..Its really is my fault.And it was a very big mistake that i have done from the rest of my life by then..I'm regretting it even until now.